Children Ministry

We at Valleyview view children as a wonderful gift to the church community. Their energy, smiles, spontaneity, and sin­cere faith are important additions to our life together.

  • We believe that children are to be raised in the midst of the congrega­tion.
  • We welcome them into our inter­gen­er­ational services, while providing special programming to meet their developmental needs.
  • We support the foundational role of Christian parent­ing and support the positive influence of other significant adults in a child’s life.


Our vision for Junior Sunday School is to deepen each child’s relationship with God and with their church community, forming them in faith through their experiences of significant Bible stories.  We long for each child to know how deeply they are loved by God, and to grow up into mature persons of faith who lovingly live out God’s call for peace, justice and the Kingdom of God.  Our children’s offering project invites our children to share God’s generosity with others and be good stewards of God’s gifts. Valleyview offers Sunday School for JK* through Grade 7 using the Shine! curriculum. Shine! emphasizes experiences in prayer, Bible story inquiry and making connections with the church's peace positions. After the worship service, children are invited downstairs for a snack before going to class. Junior Sunday School runs immediately after worship from 11:15 am to 12:00 pm.

*JK: turning age 4 by Dec 31 of current year


Youth, from Grade 8 through graduation from high school, have their own space and time to explore their faith through topical studies. We are not afraid to ask big questions.


Valleyview realizes the significant importance of a Mennonite summer camp experience for all children.  Valleyview commits to subsidize camper fees of children actively participating in our Sunday school program and church life. Annually, the subsidy amount is determined by contributions to the Camp Sponsorship Fund for up to a maximum one week of overnight summer camp at Silver Lake Mennonite Camp, Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp, or Ontario Mennonite Music Camp.


At Valleyview we celebrate milestones! A milestone is an intentional celebration of key milestones or “markers” along life’s journey which have opportunity to shape faith as we grow and change. Their purpose is to strengthen and nurture the faith of those experiencing a particular milestone, as well as the entire faith community. When a child is born, a candle is presented to the family. When a child is dedicated, we offer a blanket to show that they are "wrapped in God's love". We offer a story Bible at age 4, and a full-text Bible in Grade 3. We encourage participation in our mentoring program beginning in Grade 7. High school graduates are presented with a hand-knotted quilt.


During Worship:   We believe children are valued members of our whole community and we strive to ensure that worship is an experience which includes them. The children's time is a highlight of every service. The younger children take up a coin offering from the community and we offer colouring pages to families. We welcome children’s participation in worship, acknowledging that they make noise from time to time and like to move.   Parents of children ages 0-4 are also welcome to make use of our child-friendly nursery space at the back of the sanctuary during worship or during Christian Education Hour.   


As part of the Milestones program at age 12 we want to recognize and celebrate the growth in mind, body and spirit of a young person.  We recognize the importance at this stage of life by having the option to pair an individual with a faith “mentor” within the church community who will befriend the youth and talk with them about faith and life issues.  
